This week's Christlight story was taught us about God's creation. The entire world was created in six days. Does your child remember which day is which?
2. Let there be sky. 3. Let there be water and dry land ("like the beach"!) 4. Let there be lights in the sky. 5. Let there be animals in the sky and animals in the water. 6. Let there be animals on dry land. How amazing to see this creation our God made just for us!
Each class was able to celebrate a birthday this week. It's so fun to see these little faces light up simply by wearing a birthday crown! We love yummy birthday treats!
Each class was able to celebrate a birthday this week. It's so fun to see these little faces light up simply by wearing a birthday crown! We love yummy birthday treats!
We enjoyed learning about and working with apples this week. Each group got to make artwork using apples. Preschool painted with red water and coffee filters. Pre-Kindergarten made apple prints. Watch the hallway outside our classroom to see these creations!
After making our artwork the kids also took turns taste testing the different apples. After tasting they decided which color apple tasted the best and filled out their page with red, green, or yellow. These pages will be made into a class book. Does your child remember what color apple they preferred??

Our week ended in Pre-Kindergarten with a visit from a friendly caterpillar! Thank you to Mac for bringing this in from home and letting all of our friends see this fuzzy little friend!
Our week ended in Pre-Kindergarten with a visit from a friendly caterpillar! Thank you to Mac for bringing this in from home and letting all of our friends see this fuzzy little friend!