Friday, September 9, 2011

What did YOU do this week?

As always, it's been a busy week in school! We've learned about creation, apples, and feelings. Pre-Kindergarten also had their first time in chapel this week. It's amazing how much we can fit into such a short amount of time!

This week's Christlight story was taught us about God's creation. The entire world was created in six days. Does your child remember which day is which?

1. Let there be light.
2. Let there be sky. 3. Let there be water and dry land ("like the beach"!) 4. Let there be lights in the sky. 5. Let there be animals in the sky and animals in the water. 6. Let there be animals on dry land. How amazing to see this creation our God made just for us!

Each class was able to celebrate a birthday this week. It's so fun to see these little faces light up simply by wearing a birthday crown! We love yummy birthday treats!
Preschool Birthday Snack
Pre-Kindergarten Birthday Snack

We enjoyed learning about and working with apples this week. Each group got to make artwork using apples. Preschool painted with red water and coffee filters. Pre-Kindergarten made apple prints. Watch the hallway outside our classroom to see these creations!

After making our artwork the kids also took turns taste testing the different apples. After tasting they decided which color apple tasted the best and filled out their page with red, green, or yellow. These pages will be made into a class book. Does your child remember what color apple they preferred??

Our week ended in Pre-Kindergarten with a visit from a friendly caterpillar! Thank you to Mac for bringing this in from home and letting all of our friends see this fuzzy little friend!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

First Week -- Check!

The first week has come and gone --- I daresay it was a success! The teachers were excited to greet all the students and the students were VERY excited to get into their school supplies! Even though we've only been in school three days we've already begun to learn lots of things:
We have learned how to sit on the carpet -- students are quickly remembering three things: criss-cross applesauce, hands in our lap, lips are zipped. It's not as easy as it sounds!! This was preschool's first mystery box item and they LOVED it.
After we use the bathroom before snack we line up in the hallway. It's very important that we line up quietly since we walk past the Kindergarten room. Both groups of children do a great job of walking oh-so-quietly past their room so we don't disturb them! Ask your child how to make angel wings in the hallway. :)
Snack time is a very busy time. Children find their own milk from the milk cooler. After prayers everyone works to open their own milk, open their napkin for snack, and get their straw into their milk. Then we're ready to eat!
We make projects almost every day. For the first week of school we started making classroom decorations and we were able to paint with spray bottles! It was very exciting!
Filling our folders at the end of the school day -- papers on the "Kite" side families can Keep At Home. Papers on the "Rainbow" side families should Return to School.
If the first week is any indication, this is going to be a wonderful year. We have been blessed with some wonderful, loving personalities in each group. We're going to have a blast!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Welcome to school!!

It has been a busy summer getting everything ready in our classroom, but everything is ready!! Be sure to follow along through our school year and see what we're doing!